Another Summer Day

Summer is by far our favorite time of the year. We love all seasons for all the clliche’ reasons.

Spring for the fresh, warm air after a long winter. We begin planting flowers after dreaming about them and perusing through garden catalogs all winter.  We feel renewed and alive again.

Fall brings fresh cool air with sweater-wearing nights and enjoying nights by a fire. We slow down a bit after a busy summer and have a good time on our yearly family trip to the beach.

Winter is for the holidays and is such a busy time.  We certainly aren’t idle with our dinner parties or some sort of get together almost every weekend.  It’s dark, dreary and this Louisiana born girl (Kat), doesn’t like to be cold! We may just become snowbirds. We are not winter fans – at all.

So, yea….ahhh Summer. It’s time to thaw out. We can be lazy or work like dogs in the garden. Summer is time to invite all our friends over for outdoor dinners.  It is bathing suits, shorts and sandals weather.  The vegetables are at their peak and make all of our meals taste even better. Don’t forget Basil Lemon Ice , it’s a big hit!

Today on this first day of Summer, June 21,  the longest day of the year – I salute my friend and piano teacher, Lisa Webb who wrote this song with our other friend, Karla Lee.

It’s catchy and has that summer vibe we all love – smooth and easy. I hope you enjoy it.  We wanted to pass it on to our followers and we wish them much success.

Oh, we are in a few of the photos – see if you can find them!

~ BobKat

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