Be True to Yourself

“Try X product to look younger”, they say.

My grandmother and mother heard it. I grew up with it. We are bombarded with the ads and we believe them. We cannot turn the clock back, so why do we fight the inevitable?

I have wrinkles and I’ve earned them. These 65 years prove that I’ve cried, laughed, grieved, smiled, lived, hated and loved. They are mine. Just like I’ve allowed my hair to be natural, I’m allowing my skin to be so too. Do you know how freeing that is?

Yes, exercise for health. Eat well. Use products to enhance what you have, but be true to yourself.


According to a news report, Baby Boomers are the fastest-growing age category in the U.S. and U.K. workforces. This age group comprises of 74 million worldwide!  I am a Baby Boomer and many of us have decided to embrace our natural hair color. I only bring this up because I feel that it is an untapped market. It’s nice to see the tide changing and we aren’t not forgotten. I like seeing more and more models of different ages and sizes being signed.

I started my transition to grey almost 9 years ago. I hated my hair. The color was never right and often I’d cry after leaving my hairdresser. No one I knew was taking this huge step. I felt alone …and ugly so I cut my hair short to ease the demarcation of grey. There were no ‘helps’ but I was inspired after seeing Cindy Joseph of Boom products. My mother has beautiful hair – but I saw her as ‘old’ and I was told I would look old. I was also told to keep my hair short. ‘Older women’ should not have long hair, they say. I’m not sure what ‘old’ is but even when I’m 101, I refuse to be ‘old’. Isn’t it about our attitude (see video) and zest for living anyway?

I said all that to say – don’t be discouraged. Go for it. 

1 thought on “Be True to Yourself”

  1. Pingback: Grey Hair Will Make You Look Old – Jezebel and Gigolo

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