Boom by Cindy Joseph – Ambassador

After signing with 2 modeling agencies, Covid 19 hit. What else is there to say? We’ve all been on shutdown and all business came to a screeching halt. The industry I would be working with was especially hit hard.

I was thrilled when BOOM by Cindy Joseph contacted me and asked if I would like to be a brand ambassador! I was thrilled since I have such a ‘history’ with Cindy Joseph – I didn’t know her personally but she is the person that inspired me to embrace my natural hair color. She, after all, was a model in her 60’s and she had natural grey hair.

Boom sent the products to me that I would need to a demo and after many tries and try again and again I did, I sent them in.

You can see my page here and from what I understand, more to come!

The video was shared on Facebook and you can see it here!

I was then asked to join the other Boom Ambassadors for a zoom ladies night. That was a fun and new experience for me!

If you haven’t tried Boom by Cindy Joseph, go to their website now and read about their philosophy for skin care and their pro-aging stance! At checkout, use my code Garza10 for a discount!

1 thought on “Boom by Cindy Joseph – Ambassador”

  1. Pingback: Ladies Night – BOOM! – Jezebel and Gigolo

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