Boudoir –

Gigolo knew I was working though my body issues and needed a boost. He said, “I want you too see yourself as I see you.” So he gifted me with a Boudoir session. We chose Adore Girls in Nashville.
I can’t even begin to tell you what this did for me! I would encourage any woman of any age to consider a session for herself.
I spent an hour in hair and makeup, then 3 hours in front of a camera. The photographers were helpful and brought out in me what I didn’t know existed.
It was a confidence boost! I actually cried when I saw the proofs – I could not believe it was me! I’m 64 and felt so free and energized. I had only a few 2 outfits that I brought. Most of the pictures were – just me!
I won’t show the photos because they are for our eyes only – but here is a cropped peek.

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