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3 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hi,

    Is there any way that you can provide an audio version of your blog?

    I recently started commuting with my new job for few hours in the day driving and I would still like to read your new blogs.

    I’ve a friend who told me that he added a button on his website that transforms the text into human like audio.

    You can see the audio button on his website, like in this blog.

    He is using a service called websitevoice and he says its free and easy to install.

    The audio sounds great to me and I would appreciate if you can do the same, a male voice would be great in my opinion 🙂


    Julia Fredenbug

    1. Thank you for contacting us! I just saw this and I apologize for the delay! I will look into the audio version! What a great idea! I’m starting to post more now that I have time! Thank you!

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