Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls

“A picture is a poem without words” – Horace

We love art. When we travel we often stop at art galleries and museums and enjoy them immensely.
I was actually working at a small art gallery when I met Bob.
After we had been dating for a while, Bob told me that he loved to sketch and paint, so I bought him a sketch pad and pencils for Christmas. Maybe one day I’ll show the sketches he has done of me.
You know the movie, “I want you to draw me like one of your French girls”. Who doesn’t know that line and who wouldn’t want someone that loves you to draw your likeness?

“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.” – Edgar Degas

Art seems to run in my family. All of my children dabble in it as I do, but I have one daughter who has turned her love of art into a business. Her daughter, my granddaughter, has won awards in school. My sister is an artist and her daughter, my niece, has illustrated books and sold her works. She actually designed our logo! (We have also commissioned her to do another painting). My son is an artist and photographer. I mentioned him in another post. While not all of us are artists with a brush or pen, we all love ‘the arts’ whether it is music, culinary, sculpture, textile or performing arts.

“To be an artist is to believe in life.” – Henry Moore

One day as we were looking at my Boudoir album, Bob suggested that we find an artist that could paint one of the photos. My artist daughter knew just the right person.
We contacted Leah and she delivered!

Leah Boorse Art
Art by Leah Boorse

But art is subjective. What one person sees as magnificent, another is wrinkling their nose. My tastes have changed over the years. While I love the realistic and traditional art, I appreciate modern art even more.
Many cities have art crawls, galleries and museums. Frequent them often! It will open your mind.
Support the arts and don’t forget to bring your children and grandchildren!

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso

I follow Leah on Instagram and notice a new piece she was selling. It was the perfect color and style for our music and entertainment room.
Stunning, right?

Leah Boorse art
“The Artist” – one of our Favorite Things

~ Kat

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