Got Basil?

Got basil? You may have bunches of this glorious herb from your garden like I do. You’ve probably made your pesto and now what ?
Take *equal amounts of fresh basil and course sea salt, whirl in a food processor until finely ground.
Bake on a parchment lined baking sheet for 30 minutes @ 225°
Easy and delicious on …. anything. ? From scrambled eggs, to pizza, pasta, meats, fresh tomatoes, grilled vegetables  and in recipes. Basically, any food that basil pairs with!
You can thank me later. ?
*Depending on your tastes – you can do a 2:1 ratio of herbs to salt. That will give it more of a herbal punch!
Try other salts – parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. (There is a song there, I believe)
Don’t worry about refrigeration. Salt is a natural preservative.
Basil Salt


Happy Summer and don’t forget to try this favorite – Lemon Basil Ice



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