New York City

I had never been to NYC before.

We spent 4 days right after the first of the year and it was our first major trip together. We had traveled together but this was different. It was so wonderful to be with someone who created no drama and made the trip so enjoyable…..and romantic.

We took in 2 Broadway plays, Chicago (loved it!) and Wicked (not so much), we walked miles and miles through Little Italy, Chinatown, Rockefeller Center, Battery Park, Columbus Circle and Grand Central Station. I was able to see all the ‘iconic’ sites….so next time, I hope to take in museums.

We rode the buggy through Central Park, I saw the Statue of Liberty from the distance, and we snacked our way around the city.

How can we even talk about NYC without mentioning the food!! I tasted my first NY Pie. How can something be so cripsy and chewy at the same time!

We ate pizza 3 times, once on the street Joe’s Pizza (my first!) another at Penn Station at 2 a.m after a trip to Long Island and back (to hear a Billy Joel tribute band) and before our flight left, Gigolo asked me “What would you like to eat for breakfast?” – I said “PIZZA” – so early in the morning we walked a couple of blocks to the first pizzeria we found open.

We ate at the famous Katz’s Deli…. of “When Harry Met Sally”

Dinner at Gallaghers was the most memorable of all! We sat at the bar (and a shoutout to the most gracious bartender) delighting ourselves with cocktails and freshly made potato chips. For dinner we feasted on beef carpaccio, raw oysters, and the most amazing bone-in ribeye steak – medium rare of course!

We also had dinner at Ferrara’s, Patsy’s, Patzeria’s, and ate bagels and lox for breakfast. I cannot wait to go back. NYC has my captivated me. The best part was that I fell in love with …him…he has captivated me as well.

~ Kat

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