Philadelphia Museum of Art

I love art

I love creative people

I love creative people who do art and I love gazing upon their creativeness.

If there is a museum or art gallery in a large city or tiny town, I’ll go.

This museum allowed me to gaze upon Piscasso, Van Gogh, Monet and so many other greats. I’ll not bore you with my many photos, you’ll just have to visit this phenomenal museum.

I just love the detail of this painting

I always marvel that an artist can take a block of marble and create the flow of fabric.

Rocky Balboa, while a fictional character, stands outside the museum. “It’s not how hard you hit, it’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward — that’s how winning is done.” The 72 stone steps before the entrance of the museum have become known as the “Rocky Steps” as a result of the scene from the film Rocky.

So, of course I had to run the steps!

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