I have not blogged in a while. Busy, is my excuse and I do hope to prioritize my schedule better.

I was flattered and surprised to be asked to interview with Nashville Voyager Magazine.You can read the article Rising Stars: Meet Kat Garza

A couple of months later, on Instagram (you can follow me), Oseterics reached out to me and asked for a video interview and it was later put into print. You can see that article and video here, The Start Overs with Kat Garza

Goodness, it has been a busy last couple of months. I just got back from a modeling convention. My agent here in Nashville with Tribe Talent Management, brought models/talent to Dallas where we were able to meet agents from all over the country. We had to learn monologues, 2 person scenes and we learned to do cold reads for commercials. Acting has not been in my area of expertise, not by a long shot. It wasn’t even something I thought I could be good at. Never say never to learn new things!  I’m honing my skills with classes and enjoying it quite a bit. I spent hours and hours reciting, practicing, rewriting, looking at my facial expressions in the mirror and poor Bob heard it all 5 million times…at least.

We practiced our confidence and runway walks. We participated in swimsuit or sportswear runway. We were not competing with each other for agency placement, but we were being vetted and looked at as potential models/talent for other agencies. There were a few hundred of us from all over the country.  After 4 days of intense schedules, we waited nervously to see if we had any callbacks. Those callbacks were important for each of us. Were we going to be signed with other agencies? As a new, older model, I was definitely nervous. Bob kept telling me that I would be signed. I was hoping for at least one callback, but I wasn’t sure. Has the industry changed enough to embrace older women with silver hair and is there room for at least one more?  At the time of this writing, I cannot give any details, but let me just say that when I saw the callback sheet, not only was I shocked, but I started crying. Amazing new things are coming my way and it’s been surreal to even think about what could be happening.

I feel another blog post coming on….about Baby Boomers. We aren’t taking this sitting down, on the porch or in a rocking chair. We ARE movers and shakers and to be reckoned with! We have buying power and are 76 million strong in the United States alone. Who will be the face for them? There are many of us and I hope I can be one of them!

Wish me luck!


p.s. As I said earlier, we weren’t competing for agency placement but they did have some voting for different categories. My comp card (feature photo here) won First Place in my division. I received 1st runner up for Sportswear and 1st runner up for Runway. Am I surprised? Yes. Has been confidence soared? YES!

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