When the stars lined up

I was single and so was he.

I was having dinner with someone else when he walked into my life.

He called me a couple of days after our chance meeting and quite honestly, except for my own personal fears of getting involved too quickly, I almost pushed him away.

He says he knew right away I was the person for him. I had been so hurt before that I wasn’t sure I could trust my feelings. He called me. I ignored him. He was persistent and I finally answered his calls and said I’d try again.

I’m so glad that I did. We have been inseparable ever since. Maybe it’s our age. We know what we want and we know what we don’t.

Without sounding cliche’, I’ve found my best friend, my soul-mate, my twin. How is it possible to finish each other sentences and have so much in common so quickly? What it fate? Did the stars just line up?
~ Kat

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