wan·der·lust /ˈwändərˌləst/ noun: wanderlust a strong desire to travel. “a man consumed by wanderlust”

I grew up traveling.

My dad was in the Air Force. That made me an Air Force brat and we moved more times that I can count. Ok, I can count them, 16 to be exact in my 18 years before I left home. I was born in Lafayette, Louisiana and moved to places like – Cheyenne, Wyoming – Tokyo, Japan – Amarillo, Texas – Washington D. C., Columbus, Ohio – Biloxi, MS – San Antonio, Texas – Taipei, Taiwan – Every time my dad was stationed to a new Air Force base, we would make the drive and experience new places along the way. In the late 60’s, we left Louisiana where my grandparents lived and drove all the way to Tacoma, Washington to catch a plane to Taiwan. Seeing Carlsbad Caverns, The Painted Desert, The Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park are sites I will never forget. I hope to make that same trip one day with Bob.

Every summer, unless we were overseas, we drove to Louisiana to visit my grandparents. I have such vivid memories or raw oysters, fresh duck, crab and shrimp boils, gumbo and all the other delicious foods my relatives would make. I haven’t been back to Louisiana in many years. It’s time to make the journey to visit cousins.

Washington D.C – Dad, Jennifer and I
Spring 1963 (Kennedy was president)
Dad was in Vietnamese Language School

I’m often asked how I felt about moving constantly as a child. I wondered what it would be like to stay in the same small town, go to school with the same kids for years and set down roots.

But my childhood was one of experiencing new cultures and world views, meeting all types of people, learning to adapt to new surroundings and learning to go with the flow. As an adult it made me more open to other views, (which became a problem when that was squelched with a traditional small minded view of the world – but that’s another long story. As an adult, I moved more than I did as a child due to job loss and quite frankly, a lot had to do with me and my feeling of wanderlust.

I developed fears that were unfounded. Sometimes when life throws some weird shit at you, you respond in ways that aren’t very smart or kind or beneficial.

I stopped traveling.

My life changed again and it was time for a different kind of move. I filed for a divorce after 24 years of being with someone that I should have never allowed in my life. It’s ok – I learned a lot about me and life in general and I had great kids. I wish he and his family well. I just couldn’t do them any longer.

I said I would never, ever, never, ever marry again. Never say never, they say. I was working and enjoying my job and new life. I felt good about myself and knew travel was in my future. I was making plans. What I didn’t plan for was Bob. He walked up to my table when I was on another date and as they say, ‘the rest is history’!

As you can see, if you follow this blog, we travel and enjoy every bit of it. I found a partner I can enjoy and it’s just about about perfect….. For 2020, we planned another trip – We would fly to NYC and spend a couple of days until it was time for our flight to Paris, France to spend our 1st anniversary in the City of Lights. After about 4-5 days, a train would take us to Barcelona where we rented a VRBO for 5 days. Leaving Barcelona on the MSC Cruise lines to Ibiza, Spain to Naples and up the coast of Italy for 7 days. Sounds perfect.

Except Covid hit. There is no need to explain that one.

Maybe next year.

While I’m on the subject of travel – All of my 6 daughters have the same desire to travel and have quite a few trips under their belts. I have 1 son who is in the U.S Navy. He is stationed in Japan and on the USS Ronald Reagan. He is quite the photographer and budding film maker. Follow him on Instagram and check out his video that is receiving accolades and Navy commendation.

Maybe wanderlust is genetic.

Until next time,

~ Kat

I didn’t travel at all as a child. I grew up in the same small town in Virginia with my single mom. Every summer, we would take a bus to North Carolina to visit my grandparents.

It wasn’t until I got out of high school and began working full-time that I moved from the area where I grew up. As a child, I would watch James Bond and I knew there was more out there and I wanted it. I was determined to have it.

Fortunately, my career afforded travel to places like Italy, Germany, London, Las Vegas, Mexico City and Leon, Mexico, Atlanta, Miami and New York.

I then made it a point to travel to fun places with my former wife (who passed away of dementia) and my children. We went to places like Paris, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Alaska, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Vancouver and fun cities like NYC, Key West, San Antonio and Las Vegas. We flew, took cruises and had the times of our lives.

Now, I’m traveling with Kat and loving every minute of it. Best of all, I’m watching her have the time of her life.

~ Bob

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