Young At Heart

My daughters (and I have 6 of them), tell me that I inspire them. They talk to their friends who have questions about ‘getting older’. I’m seeing more and more younger women in their 40’s and 50’s embracing their natural hair color.  At my age, it’s expected that I’ll be grey. I remember having questions about people in their 60’s. I watched my parents age before my eyes because they ‘quit living’, not because their hair was grey.  I lived far too long as an individual who was waiting to live, trapped by my circumstances. I want to age well, which means getting involved in everything that life throws at me! Getting older means new careers -not retiring,  date nights instead of staying home and going to bed early. It means having a fantastic sex life with your partner and traveling to new places and trying new adventures. I’ll be 65 next month and I’m not quitting yet! You, my young friends, have a lot to look forward to! 

I talk a bit about that here

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