Zucchini Gluten Free ‘Bread’

Whether you are a gluten free fan or not, you’ll love these. Even the kids will devour them! Rave reviews!

Zucchini 'Bread'

Zucchini ‘Bread’

Those dang zucchini continue to grow and the ones that hide under the leaves to become zucchini giants are only good when grated for quick breads and fritters. This is a delcious gluten free option. Even those who are not GF fans will love these!
Course Appetizer, Bread, dinner, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine American


  • Grate 6 cups of zucchini (I leave the peel on) and allow to drain in a colander. Overnight is better, but I've done it in an hour. Squeeze in a towel to remove as must moisture as possible.
  • Mix in 2 eggs
  • Add herbs of your choice. I suggest Italian herbs like parsley, oregano, basil. Other options depending on taste would be rosemary, thyme. Actually, the sky is the limit. Experiment and have fun.
  • Add garlic power, salt, pepper, Pecorino romano (or parmesean) to taste. I add cornstarch to hold it together. Add a tablespoon at a time and you'll see it come together.
  • Spread this mixture on a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Using an iron skillet or baking stone will ensure a nice brown crust.
  • Bake at 425º for 25 minutes or until crispy and the bottom is lightly browned. Remove from oven….but you aren't done yet!
  • Leave it alone if you want to use this as a pizze crust. OR
    Add mozzerella cheese and red pepper flakes on top. Put this back into the over for an additional 5 minutes or until the cheese is melted. ( if you are making 'bread')
  • Remove the crust from the oven and slide it onto a cooking rack so it won't get soggy. Slice into 'breads' as desired. OR leave it whole and create a pizza!
  • Use the bread as a perfect gluten free or vegetable friendly option for dipping in your favorite marinara or pesto. Perfect as a base for a pizza.
  • For reheating – I have ouond that a quik run into the air fryer will really 'crisp' these up again. Enjoy!!
Keyword appetizer, bread, Gluten Free, marinara, pesto, pizza, recipe, summer garden, vegetarian, zucchini

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