Jezebel & Gigolo ~

Jezebel and Gigolo? Who are we?

I was single and so was he. We were in our early 60’s. I had a failed marriage. He was widowed.

I was having dinner with someone else when he walked into my life.

He messaged me a couple of days after our chance meeting and quite honestly, except for my own personal fears of getting involved too quickly and almost pushing him away, we have been inseparable.

He says he knew right away I was the person for him. I had been so hurt before that I wasn’t sure I could trust my feelings. After a few dates, I told him I didn’t think we should see each other. This wasn’t how I thought my new life would pan out. I had plans. One of those plans was to remain single.  He called me. I ignored him. He was persistent and I finally answered his calls and said I’d try again.

I’m so glad that I did.

Without sounding cliche’, I  found my best friend, my soul-mate. How is it possible to really understand someone so well and to have so much in common with our preferences, our likes and dislikes? Yet, our past lives have nothing in common.  We often joke that maybe we were separated at birth. But, that’s another story.

We both knew what we wanted in our next relationship and there was no settling.

We often say – The stars lined up.

~ Kat


Why are we called Jezebel & Gigolo?

Gigolo – gig·o·lo/ˈZHiɡəlō/ – noun a young man paid or financially supported by an older woman to be her escort or lover.

 As the above description states, he is neither young or supported by an older woman.

He makes people laugh and is full of life.  He brought me into his world and rocked mine.

We were just dating and I was invited to a wedding and brought him as my guest. A woman that neither of us knew, walked up to him and asked with definite coyness, “Are you here with anyone?” He answered, “I’m with her (pointing to me) and she hired me as her gigolo.” The women responded, “Well, I have a checkbook.”

One night at dinner he asked the pianist at the piano bar to play a song, ‘Just a Gigolo’. The pianist said, ‘Yes, “The song by Louis Prima“.  We thought it was David Lee Roth that made it famous! Obviously, that song has quite the history. It has been recorded by Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong.

We won’t even discuss here how he picked me up for a Halloween party dressed as a pimp. Loads of laughter and fun that evening!

He has a few rules in life –
1. No drama zone
2. I’ll always make you laugh
3. Every night is Friday night


Jezebel – ˈje-zə-ˌbel – noun – the wicked women who married Ahab, king of Israel, according to the Bible. It’s also a description of any woman regarded as wicked, shameless, licentious, etc.

My story is not so humorous. I was raised by a stern and controlling father (a wonderful man, but a military man – he was the product of his childhood and era in which he was raised) only to find myself in relationships that were similar. After I divorced from a man who was ‘hyper-religious’, fundamental, cult-like, legalism, spiritual abuse, narcissistic with years of gas-lighting I was free. (Read the article on gas-lighting – it’s on point)

That X called me Jezebel to my face and I was referred to as the same to his friends. I had a Jezebel Spirit, he said.

Yes, it’s a ‘thing’ that those types of people love to grab onto when they cannot control a woman. If you are in that type of relationship, – leave!

Being called ‘Jezebel’ is no laughing matter but people who know me well know nothing could be further from the truth.

It became almost a ‘joke’ with friends when my naturally sarcastic voice would surface and they jokingly say, “oh yes, that’s right, Jezebel!” One night at dinner, as we were discussing blogging, and a good friend said, “You two are just a “Jezebel & Gigolo”.

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